Why Choose Us
  • Fully Trained and SIA licenced staff
  • 30 Minutes or Less Average response Time.
  • 24 Hour Help desk.
  • UK Wide Security Services
  • Equality & Diversity
  • First-Class Customer Service

Reception and Concierge

Your brand impact and experience start from the first contact which is often a phone call or email, followed closely by an arrival to your office building. Our teams deliver exceptional, tailored and personal reception services.

We offer our clients a free hospitality service shaper process which maps out their guest experience capturing each and every guest touch point.

Whether you require a reception service within a multi-occupied building or within your own building, we will work with you to curate the best experience combining the human element, design and the latest technology.

Where our clients are working with their landlord reception, we provide a hosting service that provides the seamless link to ensure your guests are expected and individually taken care of.

With our SIA accreditation, we also provide a security-licensed concierge service ensuring the hospitality teams know how to deal with incidents and cover all areas of security whilst offering a hotel-style service integrated with the latest proximity technology.

Our highly trained team are developed to represent your brand and culture through our transformation training academy, which equips them with the skills and behaviours needed to adapt and perform within your business.

Whenever you need cover, our trained elite team step in to make sure there is no drop-in service.
